Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience.


We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.


The trouble with travelling back later on is that you can never repeat the same experience.


Travel in all the four quarters of the earth, yet you will find nothing anywhere. Whatever there is, is only here.


Wherever you go, go with all your heart.


Wherever you go, go with all your heart.


Wherever you go, go with all your heart.


Travel makes you brave
Travel creates connection.
Travel teaches you to relax.
Travel gives you a chance to learn new things.
Travel helps you discover new ways of living.

Travel challenges you.
Travel helps you face your fears.
Travel gives you things to be happy about.
Travel heals you.
Travel makes friends out of strangers.
Travel makes you thankful.
Travel gives you relief from everyday life.
Travel gives you the chance to savor good food.
Travel makes you appreciate home.
Travel makes you more creative.
Travel can bridge generational divides.
Travel equals freedom.
Travel gives you new friends.
Travel shocks you.
Travel makes history come alive.
Travel gives you an excuse to learn a new language.
Travel makes memories.
Travel makes you grow as a person.
Travel reminds you of the beauty of nature.
Travel invites you to be yourself.
Travel makes you willing to step out of your comfort zone.
Travel helps you disconnect.
Travel makes you happy.
Travel gives you inner peace.
Travel reminds you how lucky you are.
Travel lets you live like a rockstar (or Anthony Bourdain).
Travel gives you plenty of opportunities to revel in kitsch.
Travel is magical.
Travel makes you see the world anew.
Travel makes you rethink stereotypes.
Travel educates you.
Travel changes you.
Travel lets you get lost.
Travel lets you be found.
Travel makes you proud.
Travel makes you feel younger.
Travel makes you believe in the kindness of strangers.
Travel makes you enjoy discomfort.
Traveling makes wine taste better.
Travel surprises you.
Travel shows you the joy of returning to a place you love.
Travel lets you experience things you’ve never even imagined.
Travel helps you get in touch with your roots.
Travel brings you closer to the people you love.
Travel makes you fall in love.
Travel makes you smile.
Travel helps you keep life in perspective.
Travel helps you escape.
Travel lets you buy cool souvenirs.
Travel inspires you.
Travel allows you to see the world from a different perspective.
Travel lets you discover.
Travel makes you open your mind.
Travel makes you slow down.
Travel makes you smarter.
Travel teaches you lessons.
Travel makes you cool.
Travel makes you a better person.
Travel makes the world feel like home.
Travel changes your life.
Travel humbles you. 
Travel makes you open to possibility.
Travel is fun.
Travel makes you realize how much there is worth fighting for.
Travel lets your inner child escape.
Travel lets you experience different flavors of familiar things.
Travel brings you peace.
Travel makes it okay not to fit in.
Travel shows you how beautiful the world is.
Travel lets you live like a local.
Travel is colorful.
Travel helps you search your soul.
Travel makes you daring.
Travel is an act of boldness.
Travel makes you feel good.
Travel makes great stories.
Travel makes you see people.
Travel feeds your imagination.
Travel makes the ordinary extraordinary.
Travel makes you do crazy things (like run with bulls).
Travel empowers you.
Travel takes your breath away.
Travel lets you taste regional flavors.
Travel lets you explore the unique world of Airline Meals.
Travel helps you remember.
Travel helps you figure things out.
Travel helps you create greatness in your life.
Travel makes wow moments.
Travel lets you experience firsts.
Travel is a Teacher.
Travel makes you vulnerable.
Travel makes you like your life.
Travel is happily random.
Travel captivates you.
Travel makes you want to go off the beaten path.


Tower Of  London 
Menara London adalah salah satu kubu yang paling terkenal di dunia dan telah
berkhidmat sebagai istana Diraja, penjara, gudang senjata dan zoo.
menara London telah dibina lebih 900 tahun yang lalu oleh William the Conqueror.


1. HnH Tours mengiringi kunjungan Menteri Pelancongan ke Menara Tinjau.


Beijing , ibu kota China, merupakan sebuah bandar di mana budaya purba dan tamadun moden bersepadu . Ia menarik berpuluh-puluh juta pelawat dan pelancong di dalam dan di luar negara setiap tahun untuk menikmati kekayaan budaya dan pemandangan yang indah.

Beijing dikurniakan dengan warisan budaya yang jarang berlaku dengan sejarah yang panjang. Tembok Besar, salah satu keajaiban dunia dan satu-satunya sekeping seni bina buatan manusia yang boleh dilihat dari angkasa, meanders melalui gunung dan lembah selama beratus-ratus kilometer di rantau ini daripada Beijing. Yang puitis dan indah Istana ini ialah karya klasik taman empayar. Kota Larangan adalah kompleks seni bina yang paling indah istana empayar di dunia.

Kuil Syurga adalah tempat ibadat bagi maharaja Ming dan Qing dinasti dan juga karya seni purba seni bina Cina . Di atas empat semuanya telah disenaraikan dalam Warisan Budaya Dunia oleh United Nations Educational , Saintifik dan Kebudayaan ( UNESCO ). Yang Hutongs dan sebatian kediaman ( quadrangles atau Siheyuan ) adalah Beijing yang paling berperisa. Mereka telah menyaksikan turun naik bandar di abad yang lalu dan merupakan simbol kehidupan orang Beijing.

Perubahan telah berlaku hari demi hari di Beijing sebagai pembaharuan pendalaman China dan membuka. Seperti pepatah popular akan di sekitar sini, Beijing membesar dengan lebih banyak bangunan besar-besaran yang muncul , lebih hijau dengan pokok-pokok dan rumput dilindungi di seluruh bandar , dan ke bawah dengan orang menjalani kehidupan yang lebih kaya dan lebih berwarna-warni di Beijing. Ia mempunyai keyakinan penuh untuk memajukan pada kadar yang lebih besar dalam abad ke-21 . Ini adalah Beijing, lama serta muda , penuh dengan daya tarikan.

The Forbidden City

The Great Wall

Beijing mempunyai lebih daripada 100 pusat membeli-belah besar dan sederhana. Pusat Membeli-belah North Star, yang terletak berhampiran BICC, adalah salah seorang daripada mereka. Di samping itu, Wangfujing, Qianmen Dazhalan dan Xidan tiga daerah perniagaan terkenal di Beijing. Khususnya, Pasaran Dong'an berusia 100 tahun, yang terletak di Wangfujing, telah menjadi salah satu daripada kompleks perdagangan terbesar di Asia selepas pengubahsuaian. Anda juga boleh mencari Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant dan Donglaishun Restoran dalam Wangfujing Street.

kepada anda diluar sana yang berminat untuk melancong ke China atau ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang pakej yang kami tawarkan bolehlah ke laman web kami di http://www.hnhtours.com/